Midwest Electronic Recovery

Midwest Electronic Recovery (MER) protects your interests and the environment by employing state-of-the-art electronic recycling practices. Which is why MER is the largest computer and electronics recycling center in Iowa. For more than 10 years MER has offered electronic recycling solutions to communities, solid waste agencies, businesses, school districts, institutions, and individuals. Your electronic equipment and data is safest in our hands.
Midwest Electronic Recovery is a growing company which continues to invest in electronic recovery solutions. Recycling electronic equipment preserves natural resources and is an efficient means of reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Walford, Iowa

100 Third Street North
P.O. Box 500
Walford, IA 52351


Monday-Friday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Saturday-Sunday: CLOSED

Business: (319) 845-2000
Tech/Recycling: (319) 845-2001
Store: (319) 845-2075
Fax: (319) 845-2002

Email: Info@ewasterecycle.com

Clive, Iowa


7420 University Ave, Suite A
Clive, IA 50325


Monday-Friday: 8:30AM - 5:00PM

Saturday-Sunday: CLOSED

Main Office: (515) 226-9990
Second Line: (515) 226-9994
Fax Line: (515) 226-9988

Email: Matt@mcbia.com